Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cookies for Santa.

The Kid was totally into Christmas this year. Like all-out into it. I had to have Christmas music playing in the car. He had to watch that claymation Rudolph movie over and over. He had to help me set up the tree. He Had to check the stockings every morning. Santa became an obsession. (All my fault, more on that tomorrow.)

And so Christmas Eve rolled around and he had to leave out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. He was very concerned about this. So we made cookies. I whipped out my stash of cookie cutters, and premade (the horror!) frosting. Then, as I was digging through my cupboard for sprinkles, I found INSPIRATION. A package of snowmen Peeps, just staring at me. Yeeeeah.

I whipped out a batch of my Grandma's Christmas cookies, The Kid manning the mixer. While I let the dough chill in the fridge, I searched my kitchen for a plain round shape. It took me at least three searches through my draw of baking/cooking utinsels, irratably shoving my stupid biscuit cutter out of my way as it repeatedly rolled into my way, before I realzed that my stupid biscuit cutter was, in fact, round. Duh.

So I roll out the dough, cut 9 circles and a ton of wreaths, trees, and stars and then bake. After the things cool I invite The Kid back into the kitchen to decorate.
These are The Kid's cookies.
While he went crazy with the frosting and a knife (That's sarcasm, folks. He used small amounts of frosting and very, very carefully spread it evenly with the ((dull!)) knife. His future therapists can thank me for his OCD later.) I was ripping the heads off of my Peep snowmen. Then, while he was getting angry at the sprinkles for not coming out evenly, I was smearing my cookies with white frosting. He finished before me, so he had some time to nibble on a tree while I stuck heads on the cookies.

I'm very glad I decided on green for the scarves instead of red.
I hope Santa liked his melted snowman cookie.

Grandma's Cookies
     1 cup softened butter
     1/2 cup sugar
     1 egg
     3 tsp flavoring (vanilla, almond, lemon, etc)
     3 cups flour (Grandma insisted on Gold Medal)
     1/2 tsp baking powder
Mix together thoroughly the butter, sugar, and egg. Stir in flavoring. Sift together flour and baking powder. Slowly add dry ingredients to wet.
Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it chill in the fridge for a while. Roll it out really thin (1/16th") and cut into desired shapes.
Optional glaze: brush tops of cookies with mixture of 1 egg yolk and 2 tsp water.
Bake until delicately browned. (425 for 5-7 minutes worked for me)

Did anyone else notice my use of parenthesis within parenthesis? I might have a problem.

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